Liver CT Appearances
Liver Abscess CT Findings
- Pyogenic abscesses most common in right lobe of liver
- Air fluid level makes the diagnosis straightforward though this occurs in less than 25% of cases
- “Cluster sign” is felt to be classic on CT
- Abscess can be single or multiple
- Pyogenic Abscess
- Single or multiple in number and may involve one portion of the liver or be diffuse
- Range from a few millimeters to several centimeters
- Rim enhancement may occur
- May contain septations or gas within the abscess
- Amebic abscess
- Cystic lesion often with enhancing rim
- Zone of edema around border of the lesion
- Lesions usually solitary but may be multiple
Other Information About Liver Abscess
- Caused by bacteria, other sources of infection or trauma
- Common in post operative patients
- 6th-7th decades of life
- Fever
- Chills
- RUQ pain
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dark colored urine
- Jaundice
- Untreated liver abscess can be fatal
- Treatment by drainage and antibiotics brings mortality down significantly
Related Lectures:
MDCT Evaluation of Parenchymal Liver Disease Part 2
CT Evaluation of Liver Masses: Key Differential Diagnosis Findings - Part 4
CT Evaluation of Liver Masses: Key Differential Diagnosis Pathways - Part 1
CT Evaluation of Liver Masses: Key Differential Diagnosis Pathways - Part 4