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  • Evaluate the CT images of each question carefully.
  • Click on thumbnail images to view a larger version of the images.
  • Take time to make the call on the diagnosis for each individual question.
  • Press the "Reveal Answer Discussion" to watch a discussion explaining the case and diagnosis in detail by Dr. Fishman. You don't need to login or register.

1) What is your call in this patient with chest pain?

CTisus Quiz   CTisus Quiz

2) Patient with shortness of breath. What is the best dx?

CTisus Quiz   CTisus Quiz

3) What is the best dx in this patient with suspected small bowel obstruction?

CTisus Quiz   CTisus Quiz

4) What is the incidental mass in this patient?

CTisus Quiz   CTisus Quiz

5) How do you evaluate this pancreatic mass?

CTisus Quiz   CTisus Quiz

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