Pancreas CT Appearances
Pancreatic Lymphoma CT Findings
- Large circumscribed focal mass
- Delayed homogeneous enhancement
- Diffuse infiltration
- Glandular enlargement
- Peri-pancreatic fat stranding
- Vessel encasement
- CBD dilation is more common than pancreatic duct dilation
- Peripancreatic lymphadenopathy can be significant
Other Information About Pancreatic Lymphoma
- Unknown
- Usually part of multiorgan involvement by lymphoma
- Very rare
- Usually present in the 5th and 6th decades of life
- More common in males
- Usually asymptomatic
- Abdominal pain
- Weight loss
- Jaundice
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Palpable mass
- Since PPL is very rare, the real prognosis is unknown
- Studies suggest the 5-year relative survival rate to be around 30%
Related Pearls: Pancreatic Lymphoma