Esophagus CT Appearances
Hiatal Hernia CT Findings
Four types
- Type 1: Sliding hernia
- EGJ Is displaced upward toward the hiatus
- Type 2: Paraesophageal hernia
- Part of the stomach migrates into the mediastinum parallel to the esophagus
- Type 3: Features of both type 1 and 2
- Type 4: Intrathoracic stomach
- Stomach and another organ (colon, small bowel, spleen) herniate into the chest
Other Information About Hiatal Hernia
- Common in older (50+) patients
- Trauma
- Obesity
- Can affect any age but most patients are aged 50 and older
- Heartburn
- Dysphagia
- Indigestion
- Chest pain
- Vomiting
- Can be managed with medication and necessary surgery
Related Pearls: Hiatal Hernia