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Pleomorphic Sarcoma Right Shoulder

36-year-old female with a slowly enlarging right supraclavicular mass and gradual onset right upper extremity weakness and dysesthesias. There is a large infiltrating T1 iso- to hypointense to skeletal muscle, T2/STIR heterogeneously hyperintense, centrally necrotic mass centered in the right supraclavicular fossa with extension towards the patients right axilla. Prominent flow-voids are identified within the lesion which does not lose signal intensity on the out of phase images. There are numerous sites of diffusion restriction within the nonnecrotic component of the mass which also heterogeneously enhances. Soft tissue sarcoma was favored with a final diagnosis of pleomorphic sarcoma following biopsy. Pleomorphic sarcoma is considered the most common type of soft tissue sarcoma with aggressive biologic behavior and a poor prognosis overall. Patients usually present with a history of painless, enlarging, palpable soft tissue lesion. Predilection is for the retroperitoneum and proximal extremities. Treatment consists of chemoradiation therapy followed by surgery. Prognostic factors include tumor size, location, and histologic grade
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