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28-year-old female with history of multiple palpable slowly growing masses in the volar right forearm region. There are numerous solid soft tissue lesions with lobular margins which are T2/STIR hyperintense, demonstrate no loss of signal on out of phase images, and do not demonstrate diffusion restriction. Larger lesions demonstrate predominantly homogeneous enhancement. Several lesions abut the periosteal surface of the mid ulnar diaphysis and extend towards the radioulnar syndesmosis. Multiple desmoid tumors with favored preoperatively. Desmoid tumors are benign, noninflammatory fibroblastic tumors. Lesions usually demonstrate loco-regional invasion at the time of discovery and recurrence following surgical resection. Distant metastatic disease is not typical. Desmoids are 2 times as frequent in women. Lesions may be seen in the setting of Gardner syndrome. Typical locations include the abdomen and/or the abdominal wall.
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