Diagnostic Case Quiz ❯ Quiz of the Month ❯ January 2025
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Quiz Discussion
1) The most likely diagnosis in this patient with LUQ pain is?
adrenal myelolipoma
adrenal ganglioneuroma
adrenal adenoma
2) The vessel most involved with the coronary arterial disease is the
left anterior descending artery (LAD)
right coronary artery (RCA)
circumflex artery (Cx)
left main coronary artery (LMCA)
3) The cause of this patient’s small bowel obstruction is?
small bowel tumor
closed loop obstruction
umbilical hernia
4) In this patient with lower back pain and fever the best diagnosis is?
acute pancreatitis
renal Infarction
renal infection with E. coli
renal lymphoma
5) The most likely diagnosis in this case is?
femur fracture
GSW with active bleed from SFA
GSW without source of bleed
GSW with vessel spasm in SFA
6) The most likely diagnosis in this 30ish year old is?
Meckel’s diverticulum
cecal diverticuli
acute appendicitis
ileal diverticulitis
7) The most likely diagnosis in this case is ?
metastatic colon cancer
metastatic neuroendocrine tumor
8) The most likely diagnosis for the dominant left renal mass is?
clear cell renal cell carcinoma
metastatic melanoma
papillary renal cell carcinoma
renal oncocytoma
9) In this patient with abdominal pain and fever the most likely dx is
hydatid cyst
amebic abscess
biliary cystadenoma
metastatic ovarian cancer