Diagnostic Case Quiz ❯ Quiz of the Month ❯ February 2013
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Quiz Discussion
1) The best diagnosis in this patient with a prior history of pancreatitis is?
pancreatic abscess
pancreatic pseudocyst
necrotizing pancreatitis
pancreatitis with small bowel fistulae
2) The best diagnosis in this 57 year old with flank pain is
acute pyelonephritis
renal infarction
renal trauma
spontaneous bleed from a renal cell carcinoma
3) This renal lesion has an attenuation of 81 HU. The most likely diagnosis is
renal carcinoma
renal abscess
renal lymphoma
high density renal cyst
4) In this 42 year old male the best diagnosis is?
lymphoma pre-treatment
lymphoma post treatment
germ cell tumor
5) In this patient s/p GSW the best diagnosis is?
carotid artery laceration and bleed
jugular vein occlusion with bleed
spasm in carotid artery
carotid artery occlusion
6) In this patient one week following an MVA the best diagnosis is?
left popliteal artery spasm
left popliteal artery occlusion
computer generated error
poor IV timing for data acquisition
7) In this patient s/p prostate surgery the best diagnosis is?
intraperitoneal bladder rupture
extraperitoneal bladder rupture
misplacement of foley catheter
bladder cancer
9) In this 20ish year old female the best dx is?
SPEN tumor (solid and papillary epithelial neoplasm)
neuroendocrine tumor