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Stomach: Gastric Emphysema Imaging Pearls - Educational Tools | CT Scanning | CT Imaging | CT Scan Protocols - CTisus
Imaging Pearls ❯ Stomach ❯ Gastric Emphysema

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  • “Air in the gastric wall can be seen in a benign form of gastric emphysema, which can be encountered in the setting of a recent procedure and is typically asymptomatic. Patients with benign gastric emphysema demonstrate few clinical symptoms, whereas emphysematous gastritis causes patients to present with severe pain and potentially with sepsis and shock.”

    CT of Gastric Emergencies.
Guniganti P et al.
Radiographics. 2015 Nov-Dec;35(7):1909-2
  • "Gastric pneumatosis is rare, with causes ranging from benign to lethal. The purpose of this pictorial essay is to present a series of cases of gastric pneumatosis, review the causes, and demonstrate how computed tomography can help guide management."

    Gastric Pneumatosis: the role of CT in diagnosis and patient management
    Johnson PT, Horton KM, Edil BH, Fishman EK, Scott WW
    Emerg Radiol (2011) 18:65-73

  • Gastric Pneumatosis: Extragastric Causes
    - Small bowel or colon ischemia
    - Gangrenous cholecystitis
    - Appendicitis
    - Small bowel volvulus
    - SMA Syndrome
    - Dissection of pulmonary gas
    - Biliary stent related perforation
  • Gastric Pneumatosis: Gastric Causes
    - Emphysematous gastritis
    - Gastritis
    - Caustic ingestion
    - Increased intraluminal pressure
    - Perforated ulcer
    - Endoscopic bx or argon plasama coagulation
    - Tube placement
    - Blunt trauma
    - bezoar

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