Imaging Pearls ❯ Pancreas ❯ Calcified Mass
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- Pancreatic Mass with Calcification: Differential Dx
• Serous Cystadenoma
• Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm
• Neuroendocrine Tumor
• Solid and Pseudopapillary Neoplasm (SPEN)
I• ntraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN)
• Metastases to the Pancreas - Pancreatic Mass with Calcification: Differential Dx
• Serous Cystadenoma
• Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm
• Neuroendocrine Tumor
• Solid and Pseudopapillary Neoplasm (SPEN)
• Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN)
• Metastases to the Pancreas - Pancreatic Mass with Calcification: Frequency
- Pancreatic Mass with Calcification: Facts
• Neuroendocrine tumors most commonly calcify with coarse irregular calcifications. Calcifications are usually central but can be in periphery of the mass
• Serous Cystadenoma may have rim like calcification, central scar with calcification or thin calcification along radiating septae
• Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm (MCN) may have peripheral calcifications or calcified septations - Pancreatic Mass with Calcification: Facts
• SPEN Tumor (Solid and Pseudopapillary Neoplasm) have dense calcification more commomly in the periphery of the lesion
• Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm (IPMN) usually have peripheral or septal calcifications
• Metastases to the Pancreas from Renal Cell Carcinoma may rarely calcify - Pancreatic Mass with Calcification: Pitfalls
• Pancreatic adenocarcinoma that arise in an area of chronic pancreatitis may show areas of calcification due to the pancreatitis. Adenocarcinoma does not calcify.
• Vascular calcifications (i.e. Splenic artery aneurysm) may simulate a neuroendocrine tumor.