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CT Angiography and 3-D Imaging of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease: Collateral Pathways in Leriche Syndrome

CT Angiography and 3-D Imaging of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease: Collateral Pathways in Leriche Syndrome




  • Aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD): Atheromatous occlusion of the infrarenal abdominal aorta and/or common iliac arteries.
    • Subset of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) – chronic deposition of atherosclerotic plaque.
    • First described by Robert Graham in 1814 at the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow, and later by the French surgeon René Leriche in 1923.
  • Exact prevalence of AIOD is unknown since patients are often asymptomatic as a result of collateral pathways.
    • 8 million people in the US with PAD, including 12-20% of individuals >60y.1
  • Symptoms include claudication of thighs, hips, and buttocks.
    • Leriche syndrome – Impotence, bilateral buttocks claudication, and diminished femoral pulses in the setting of aortic occlusion.
    • Acute onset of symptoms in the setting of thromboembolic disease, often with occlusion of the distal infrarenal aorta at the bifurcation point.


Goals of CT Angiography in Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease

  • Identify the location of aortic and/or iliac vascular occlusion.
  • Identify concomitant atherosclerotic occlusive disease affecting visceral arteries.
  • Characterize pathways of collaterialization.
  • Identify the levels of the most proximal and distal arterial segments amenable to stent-graft placement.


Collateral Pathways – Overview

  • 3 Major Classes of Collateral Pathways:
    • 1) Systemic – Systemic
    • 2) Visceral – Visceral
    • 3) Systemic – Visceral
  • Location of occlusion determines which class of collateral pathways will develop:
    • Distal occlusion (near aortic bifurcation/common iliacs) → Visceral circulatory pathways form
    • Proximal occlusion (directly inferior to the renal arteries) → Systemic circulatory pathways form
  • Visceral-Visceral and Systemic-Visceral pathways usually occur together.


Systemic Collateral Pathways “Winslow Pathway”

Systemic Collateral Pathways“Winslow Pathway”


Systemic Collateral Pathways “Winslow Pathway”

Systemic Collateral Pathways“Winslow Pathway”


Systemic Collateral Pathways “Winslow Pathway”

Systemic Collateral Pathways“Winslow Pathway”


Systemic Collateral Pathways “Winslow Pathway”

Systemic Collateral Pathways“Winslow Pathway”


“Winslow Pathway” – Risk of Complications

  • Several reports in the literature of lower extremity ischemia due to interruption of the internal thoracic and epigastric arteries (“Winslow Pathway”).6-8
  • The internal thoracic artery is commonly harvested for coronary artery bypass grafting.
    • These patients often present with concomitant aortoiliac occlusive disease with extensive collateratization, including the “Winslow pathway”.
    • Collateral pathways must be identified preoperatively to avoid complications.
  • Epigastric arteries are at risk during non-vascular abdominal surgeries.9-10


Systemic Collateral Pathways

Systemic Collateral Pathways


Systemic Collateral Pathways

Systemic Collateral Pathways


Systemic Collateral Pathways

Systemic Collateral Pathways


Systemic Collateral Pathways

Systemic Collateral Pathways


Systemic Collateral Pathways

(A) Median Sacral
(B) Sacral branches

Systemic Collateral Pathways


Systemic Collateral Pathways

Systemic Collateral Pathways


Visceral Collateral Pathways

Visceral Collateral Pathways


Visceral Collateral Pathways

Visceral Collateral Pathways


Visceral Collateral Pathways

Visceral Collateral Pathways


Visceral Collateral Pathways – “Arc of Riolan”

Visceral Collateral Pathways –“Arc of Riolan”


Visceral Collateral Pathways – “Arc of Riolan”

Visceral Collateral Pathways –“Arc of Riolan”


Visceral Collateral Pathways

Visceral Collateral Pathways



  • Atheromatous occlusion of the infrarenal abdominal aorta and/or common iliac arteries is common in the elderly.
  • Patients often remain asymptomatic for an extended period of time due to formation of extensive collateral networks.
    • Systemic and/or visceral collateral pathways.
  • CT angiography plays an important role in characterizing aortoiliac occlusive disease, including its collateral pathways.
  • The Radiologist must be familiar with the common and uncommon collateral pathways to guide surgical/endovascular management of patients, and avoid potential complications, such as damage to the “Winslow pathway”.



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  • Sameer Ahmed MD
  • Siva P. Raman MD
  • Elliot K. Fishman MD

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