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TCC Proximal Ureter

TCC Proximal Ureter


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Subtle TCC Left Ureter

Subtle TCC Left Ureter


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


“ Unsuspected mesenteric arterial abnormality may elude diagnosis when axial MDCT sections are interpreted without 3D renderings.”
Unsuspected Mesenteric Arterial Abnormality: Comparison of MDCT Axial Sections to Interactive 3D Rendering
Chen JK, Johnson PT, Horton KM, Fishman EK
AJR 2007;189:807-813


“On a per-patient basis, the axial and 3D interpretations were equivalent in 24% (10/41) of the cases. Axial CT partially agreed with 3D CT in 10% (4/41), and no mesenteric arterial lesion was reported on axial CT in 66% (27/41). The 3D CT findings were supported by other imaging, surgery, clinical findings, or management in 49% (20/41) of the cases. The mesenteric lesions identified resulted in a change in patient management in 15% (6/41) of the subjects.”
Unsuspected mesenteric arterial abnormality:comparison of MDCT axial sections to interactive 3D rendering
Chen JK, Johnson PT, Horton KM, Fishman EK
AJR 2007 Oct;189(4):807-813


“ In the era of isotropic data, perhaps the new standard of care will be to review all MDCT data sets in 3D mode to exclude any unsuspected vascular abnormality.”
Unsuspected Mesenteric Arterial Abnormality: Comparison of MDCT Axial Sections to Interactive 3D Rendering
Chen JK, Johnson PT, Horton KM, Fishman EK
AJR 2007;189:807-813


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Arterial Mesenteric Occlusion: facts

  • 60-75% of all bowel ischemia cases
  • Can be arterial embolism or arterial thrombosis
  • Arterial embolism usually in mid vessel and proximal involvement usually due to thrombosis


SMA Thrombus

SMA Thrombus


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Pitfall: In cases of suspected ischemia make sure you examine the entire vessel not just its proximal portion. If you can’t define it make that clear in your report.


The midline sagital view on CT:a guide to pathology

  • SMA syndrome
  • Vascular stenosis
  • Median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS)
  • Staging pancreatic cancer
  • Mesenteric aneurysms
  • Mesenteric collaterals


Bone or Soft Tissue Pathology: Problem

  • Pathology may be overlooked as it is often edge of film diagnosis
  • Pathology may be overlooked as it was not part of the exam history
  • Axial imaging is limited for detecting spine pathology


Bone or Soft Tissue Pathology: Solution

  • Attention to the bone and soft tissues as part of the image review
  • Routine sagital reconstruction created at the scanner and sent to PACs for rapid radiologist review


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


“ Most clinically important vertebral body compression fractures in nontrauma patients at risk for low bone mineral density may go unreported at abdominal multidetector CT if sagittal reconstructions are not routinely evaluated.”
Unreported Vertebral Body Compression Fractures at Abdominal Multidetector CT
Carberry GA et al.
Radiology 2013; 268:120-126


“ After review of 2015 abdominal multidetector CT scans in patients who underwent dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) within 6 months of CT, prospective diagnosis of a moderate or severe vertebral body compression fracture was not determined in 84% (81 of 97).”
Unreported Vertebral Body Compression Fractures at Abdominal Multidetector CT
Carberry GA et al.
Radiology 2013; 268:120-126


“ The skin and SQ tissues are by definition on the periphery of CT images and may often be overlooked by the interpreting radiologist. These findings may also be only partially included in the field of view, further complicating identification and interpretation.”
CT of the skin and subcutaneous tissues
Katz DS et al.
Emerg Radiol (2013):20;57-68


Pancreatic Mass Detection

  • Pancreatic mass vs peripancreatic tumor
  • Undiagnosed islet cell tumor
  • Misdiagnosis of splenic artery aneurysm as an islet cell tumor or splenule as a islet cell tumor


5 mm Neuroendocrine Tumor HOP

5 mm Neuroendocrine Tumor HOP


Do you see a mass?

Do you see a mass?


Neuroendocrine Tumor HOP Seen Only On Arterial Phase

Neuroendocrine Tumor HOP Seen Only On Arterial Phase


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Pitfalls in CT Scanning: Wrong Phase of Acquisition

  • In the ER especially the full sequence of phases (or greater than one phase) is often not available.
  • Potential errors are numerous including lack of “the best phase for lesion detection”


PNET Only Seen on Venous Phase with Cinematic Rendering

PNET Only Seen on Venous Phase with Cinematic Rendering


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT


Missed Diagnosis on CT



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