Maximiliano Klug, Chad D Strange, Mylene T Truong, Zehavit Kirshenboim, Efrat Ofek, Eli Konen, Edith Michelle Marom
Radiographics . 2024 May;44(5):e230091. doi: 10.1148/rg.230091.
Thymic imaging is challenging because the imaging appearance of a variety of benign and malignant thymic conditions are similar. CT is the most commonly used modality for mediastinal imaging, while MRI and fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT are helpful when they are tailored to the correct indication. Each of these imaging modalities has limitations and technical pitfalls that may lead to an incorrect diagnosis and mismanagement. CT may not be sufficient for the characterization of cystic thymic processes and differentiation between thymic hyperplasia and thymic tumors. MRI can be used to overcome these limitations but is subject to other potential pitfalls such as an equivocal decrease in signal intensity at chemical shift imaging, size limitations, unusual signal intensity for cysts, subtraction artifacts, pseudonodularity on T2-weighted MR images, early imaging misinterpretation, flow and spatial resolution issues hampering assessment of local invasion, and the overlap of apparent diffusion coefficients between malignant and benign thymic entities. FDG PET/CT is not routinely indicated due to some overlap in FDG uptake between thymomas and benign thymic processes. However, it is useful for staging and follow-up of aggressive tumors (eg, thymic carcinoma), particularly for detection of occult metastatic disease. Pitfalls in imaging after treatment of thymic malignancies relate to technical challenges such as postthymectomy sternotomy streak metal artifacts, differentiation of postsurgical thymic bed changes from tumor recurrence, or human error with typical "blind spots" for identification of metastatic disease. Understanding these pitfalls enables appropriate selection of imaging modalities, improves diagnostic accuracy, and guides patient treatment.