Specific Anatomic RegionLung Parenchyma
ApplicationR/O lung metastases
AuthorFishman EK
Reference SourcePersonal communication
Scanner UsedSiemens Somatom Plus-4
Injection Rate2cc/sec
Contrast Volume and Type100-110cc of Omnipaque 350
Area ScannedEntire lung fields
Scan Delay 40sec
Length of Spiral (time)up to 40sec
Slice Thickness5mm
Table Speed/Pitch8mm/sec or a pitch of 1.6
Reconstruction Interval5mm
3D Technique UsedRarely needed
Comment: Although for detection of lung nodules CT without contrast is in theory okay, IV contrast helps to better stage the mediastinum and hilum. In select cases reconstruction at 3mm intervals can be done to look for very small nodules.