Specific Anatomic RegionLung Mass
ApplicationR/O AVM; evaluate AVM
AuthorRemy J et al.
Reference SourceRadiology 1994; 191:657-664
Scanner UsedSiemens Somatom Plus
Injection RateNone
Contrast Volume and TypeNone
Area ScannedSeveral cm above and below the lesion
Scan Delay None
Length of Spiral (time)24sec
Slice Thickness2 or 5mm
Table Speed/Pitch2 or 5mm/sec with a pitch of 1
Reconstruction Interval1 or 3mm
3D Technique UsedShaded surface
Comment: An initial spiral scan of the entire chest was done before the focal spiral protocols listed above. This protocol is done without intravenous contrast material. We prefer to use IV contrast in these cases and find that the quality of the 3D image is better. We also will routinely use thin section CT (2.3) as our initial study.